Welcome π to the Alchemical Wisdom School - an authentic community of soul searchers and self-healers who are remembering how to trust the innate inner power we have to heal our bodies, our relationships and our world.
If you're ready to discover step-by-step how to heal deeply you're in the right place! You will learn how to access emotional, energetic and spiritual reasons behind the symptoms or circumstances you experience as you tap into Universal Energetic Law.
Our signature courses simply inner soul work by teaching you how to follow the "energy trail" to the root cause of physical, emotional and spiritual pain and suffering. They will help you dive deeper into the mind/soul/body connection and access your innate abilities to release blocks and heal - often, on several levels spontaneously! You will also gain the skills to support others in this process.
As students complete their programs, they discover what it means to become Empowered Empaths, Self-Healers & Teachers who experience an unprecedented sense of confidence and freedom to step onto their Soul’s path with unwavering faith and fulfillment.
Join me during my Souls’ Alchemy Hour - Bring any questions you may have about your relationships to self, source or others to our monthly Alchemy Hour calls on the 22nd of each month.
Get your GIFT of my award-winning book Soul-Side Out in 2 formats: publishers searchable PDF & Audio!
There's a movement exploding where people are being restored! Improvements in all kinds of symptoms including eyesight, illness, relationships - everything!
The first step is learning how to receive healing yourself by discovering the inner wisdom you've always had access to but were never taught. That's why I wrote this book, and now I'm gifting it to you, if you're ready to learn.
The book is the WINNER 2021 Pacific Book Awards !SOME READERS COMMENTS:
"I read the book in 2 days and re-read parts of it. It hit home so many times! Unbelievable Information and an easy read ... Kept my Focus. I appreciated the book so much, I passed it along to my Medical Doctor and bought myself a second copy." Raylene Isert, Edmonton, Canada
👇 Click below for MORE customer reviews
The Soul-Truth Discovery Academy allows you to rediscover your innate Alchemical Wisdom. “Alchemy’ is about the skill to create profound, quick shifts in mental and emotional states, situations and physical symptoms.
You will learn how to access emotional, energetic and spiritual reasons behind symptoms as you tap into Universal Energetic Law through the Body-Mind-Soul transformation process of INside-OWT.
The 8-month curriculum will guide you to tap into your own psychic and intuitive abilities. It simplifies inner soul work by teaching you how to follow the "energy trail" to the true inner root cause of physical, emotional and spiritual pain and suffering.
The program will guide you in diving deeply into the mind/soul/body connection to access your innate abilities to release blocks and heal. You will discover the other 95% of your awareness.
👇 Click below to learn more details
Create Healing and Flow in your life while Exponentially Magnifying your Results with Clients
The Empowered Empath Academy is a 6 month Intensive Curriculum + 10 week Conscious Communication Program that leads Coaches, Therapists and Health Professionals out of feeling stuck, bored or burnt-out to create a wildly inspired life and livelihood by addressing the root cause of their own relationship and health issues (including their eyesight)
"I went to see Summer because I was having problems with my left eye & accidentally ended up healing my whole life". Naomi Rozak
"I am proving to myself what l've known, deep down, all along - the body can heal from anything. Taking part in your program is the missing piece I have been looking for" Brenda Gerling
Most empaths or healers have some persistent physical symptoms or relational triggers. As an empath we tap into our innate wisdom when people seek us out for healing but when it comes to our own bodies or relationships, we often take on, or are thrown off, by others energy because were super sensitive to what they’re thinking and feeling.
This can be debilitating if we want to feel well, but avoidance and isolation is not long-term solutions.
The Academy dives into why your everyday emotions are part of the same energy that allows you to support your clients healing. You learn how to access emotional, energetic and spiritual reasons behind symptoms AND relationship patterns as you tap into Universal Energetic Law.
You will discover how to heal areas of your life in ways most don't think is possible. As emotions and physical symptoms (signs) arise, you will know - not guess or think, but know what they mean on spiritual and universal level and learn to do it in-the-moment, rather than needing to heal 'trauma' later and you will be able to begin guiding your clients to do the same.
👇 Click below to learn more details
What Students Say - Spontaneous Comments from the students of 2023
JOIN us for this fun, and practical class where you will learn:
What we teach here has changed both our lives, personally and as a couple, as well as with colleagues, clients, family & friends.
We believe it’s time to consciously interrupt toxic relationship cycles with proven, practical steps.
~ "The difference this course has made in our lives in such a short time with each other and our children has been life-changing." - Kathy Reaume Jackson - Edmonton
~ "20 Years of psychotherapy doesn't even scratch the surface of what I've learned in this class." - Fabiola Metellus - Montreal
Who is this class for? Take the short quiz
Click "Learn More" below. 👇
HEAL deeply, at a soul-level through your relationship conflicts, breakups and triggers. This program is specifically for people experiencing immediate life crisis in their health or relationships who are serious about transforming their patterns and gaining wisdom through it.
The Crisis to Reconnection Mentorship Program is an upgraded package from the Conflict to Connection Program, it is a customized program founded upon the ground-breaking work INside-OWT combined with Conscious Communication skills and mentorship.
Why wait for Lawyers, or even mediation. Feel empowered to live your life, take responsibility (be response-able) and make the shift to a WAY more empowered way of living and relating.
Embody why this experience is happening FOR you, not to you and how you can break-free of ingrained emotional, mental and generational patterns. If you resonate with the idea that each life experience is a gift, that breaks you open to face your fears to be and become your Authentic self - not the one everyone else wanted you to be, but, your original, essential self, this program with fast track you to that end & also save you a lot of emotional, mental and (often) financial pain of lawyers.
👉 You will receive ongoing powerful guidance you can use for life following the 5 step process of INside-OWT, the New Frontier in Mind-Body Medicine and Total Transformation as described in the book: Soul-Side Out; Universal Laws to Healing and living your Best Life, along with Positive Intelligence App, that will help you daily to regulate your nervous system and change the way you respond to stressful situations.
Most clients are often experiencing one or more than one of the following in their recent history:
These are all signs, there is more to your life than you thought.
👉 You will receive ongoing powerful guidance you can use for life.
Enrolment is after a personal conversation to determine your needs/goals so you receive the BEST option for the most effective results.
Ready to see if you are a fit? Your next step is to book a 45 minute Call👇 to confirm if this is the best fit for your current needs.
👇Find out what's included in the program below
LEVEL 1, Conflict to Connection; a 10-Week Immersive Conscious Communication live course alongside a 6-Month Community Chrysalis - a live, experiential container for integration and practise.
Using Non-Judgemental Language.
Including the work of Marshall Rosenberg ~ Non Violent Communication (NVC) and Summer Bozohora (Healing from the INside-OWT)
In this practical course you will:
"The difference this course has made in our lives in such a short time with each other and our children has been life-changing."
Kathy Reaume Jackson - Edmonton
Who is this class for? Take the short quiz? Click "Learn More" below. 👇
LEVEL 1, Conflict to Connection; a 10-Week Immersive Conscious Communication live course alongside a 6-Month Community Chrysalis - a live, experiential container for integration and practise.
Using Non-Judgemental Language.
Including the work of Marshall Rosenberg ~ Non Violent Communication (NVC), Shirzad Chamine (Positive Intelligence) and Summer Bozohora (Healing from the INside-OWT)
In this practical course you will:
"The difference this course has made in our lives in such a short time with each other and our children has been life-changing."
Kathy Reaume Jackson - Edmonton
Who is this class for? Take the short quiz? Click "Learn More" below. 👇
LEVEL 1, Conflict to Connection; a 10-week immersive Conscious Communication live course alongside a 6 month Community Chrysalis - a live, experiential container for integration and practise.
Using Non-Judgemental Language.
Including the work of Marshall Rosenberg ~ Non Violent Communication (NVC) and Summer Bozohora (Healing from the INside-OWT)
In this practical course you will:
"The difference this course has made in our lives in such a short time with each other and our children has been life-changing"
- Kathy Reaume Jackson - Edmonton
"It’s such a stroke of genius of you two to put these two (Marshall Rosenburg & Shirzad Chamine’s powerful work) together. It’s a Game Changer."
- Jon Morse - New York
Who is this class for? Take the short quiz? Click "Learn More" below. 👇
The knowledge you need to heal is present in every cell of your body and is speaking to you, you just have to re-learn how to listen deeply. INside-OWT is a simple, natural way to remember who you are at your spiritual core. It is a process of Self-(and multi-generational) healing whereby clients experience transformation on many different levels simultaneously. This transformation is possible because Energy is always in motion and always in the direction of Source, Health and Life. It is Soul-Level Healing.
Our Body and Mind is a conduit to this source energy. You will learn the Art of Fearless Transformation by discovering how to APPLY Universal Laws of Energy found in Ancient Egyptian Alchemical wisdom (and also in Quantum Physics). It's both a new and very old and natural way to resolve modern-day circumstances (life and relationship patterns) and physical symptoms - Energetically.
"Joe Dispensa has nothing on Summer's work! - it's life changing." Kelly Wolf. Clairvoyant and Sound Healer, Edmonton.
As we learn to heal ourselves at this deep soul-level, we alter human consciousness. We discover more energy, authenticity and resilience within our being and symptoms often resolve spontaneously.
Within each of us is a knowing we all have. As we sink to deeper levels of mind/soul we are able to access abilities previously out of our reach - "the other 95% of our awareness" which allows us to:
Our modern problems are often based more on our culture and ways of thinking than the circumstance or symptom itself. Once you get outside the Fight, Fix and Force Fear Paradigm of our Modern Medical (and Educational) System, healing of mind, body and soul levels happens fast!
This course is a blend of education styles:
More detail & BONUS in "Learn More" below 👇
Discover the transformational gift your symptoms are showing you and how to know what's what.
When our world or life seems like it's falling apart, the worst thing we can do is panic or live in fear.
👉 Your symptoms can actually be a gift to discover our strength and inner resources.
Learn about the 'sunset principle' - when symptoms or recurring patterns burn the brightest, just before they go down below the horizon. Gain the faith and confidence that the sun will shine again in your life.
This Blu Talk about coming out of living a mediocre life, away from feeling bored or like a fraud, or afraid to speak your truth to embracing the discomfort there is to living your Soul-Driven Authentic Life.
Summer explains what indicates we are moving out of the Industrial and Information ages into Spiritual Age of energetic mastery where we understand our bodies as conduits to source and Truth.
In this dynamic talk of tragedy and exponential healing in her own life. Summer explains the importance of our soul-lessons, our soul contracts and how we have the ability to self-heal and awaken to a dynamic ability to live at peace and in health.
This 90 Day Program is specifically for people experiencing immediate life crisis in their health or relationships who are serious about transforming their unhealthy patterns (trauma) and gaining wisdom through it.
👉 You will receive powerful guidance to quickly transform your patterns and confusion through the New Frontier in Energetic Law and Total Transformation described in the book: Soul-Side Out; Universal Laws to Healing and Living Your Best Life.
Get Ready for an Intensive, customized, intuitive hand-holding program through the transformational process of IN-side OWT.
This is a high-touch program for people who urgently need to change the direction of some aspect of their life.
This 3 months together will catapult you to fast-track your healing journey!
Ready to GO? Your next step is to book a 45 minute Soul-Truth Discovery and Healing Plan Call 👇 to confirm if this is the best fit for your current needs.
👇Find out more below before you book a call
Visual blur is not just a physical problem and it's important to uncover factors that contribute to the onset of blur that glasses 'lock in'.
In this short video, I explore one of the biggest causes of visual blur.
It's true that: Glasses are an immediate quick fix to visual blur.
👇 Get access to this short video below to begin uncovering the unspoken contributors to needing glasses!
Supercharge Your Intuition AND Improve Your Eyesight! Save $$$ Thousands $$$ on Eyeglass Prescriptions.
Discover how Glasses Damage your Eyes & Hinder Intuition!👇
This course is comprehensive. It has easily accessible, well organized modules and personal support. It's a guide for your whole family and combines the best research from:
If you have visual blur, after this class MANY students do not need to visit an Optometrist EVER again (Unless there is eye-disease)
IMPORTANT: DO NOT get an eye exam prior to this class, wait until after your Lifestyle & Prescription review with Summer. (included in the course)
Click below for more details👇
Mind-Body Medicine for Migraines
Quickly dispel migraines with proven practical guidance addressing the physical, nutritional and emotional components of migraines so you are never trapped by a painful migraine again. From personal experience, Mind-Body Medicine Therapist Summer Bozohora provides all you need to banish migraines.
In this class, Summer reviews the Migraine Emergency Kit:
Hi Summer,
I just wanted to say how grateful I am for your help in getting my migraine's under control.They used to last 3 days at a time and were so bad I had to be in a dark room with no noise. Advil and Tylenol did nothing to help so I just tried to sleep them off.
With your help of this course and a bit of practise, the migraine's now dissipate immediately and are gone by the end of the day. Thank you so much!
Maria Osetsky, Edmonton.
Summer understands this topic intimately. After experiencing debilitating migraines from age 10-36, she no longer has migraines. Read her story by hitting 👇"learn more" below.
The Empowered Empath Program is for:
Experience FULL IMMERSION in the Transformational Process of INside-OWT, the New Frontier in Mind-Body Medicine and Total Transformation as described in: Soul-Side Out; Universal Laws to Healing and Living Your Best Life:
PREREQUISITE: Soul-Truth Discovery Academy Apprenticeship Program or the Empowered Empath Awakened Academy.
👉 Enrolment is by invitation after an interview to determine the most effective way for you to serve the community and share your gifts.
NEXT STEPS: Book a Professional Interview with Summer to determine if this is a fit for you. OR "Find Out More" below