Comprehensive Intro to Soul-Level Self-Healing; Alchemy & Mind-Body Medicine

You're about to experience the practical step-by-step Comprehensive Intro to Self Healing Course!

You will learn the Art of Fearless Transformation by discovering powerful, ancient alchemical wisdom - a bridge between the knowledge of modern quantum physics & ancient shamanism. As we learn to heal ourselves at this deep soul- level we alter human consciousness and elevate our vibration simultaneously to find more energy, authenticity and resilience within our being.  

In this class, students have experienced:

  • Self-Healing 
  • Personal Transformation 
  • Deeply reconnection to inner wisdom
  • Strengthened intuition & empathic gifts
  • Finding meaning in life's experiences/traumas
  • Learning to trust & surrender to a higher purpose 
  • Increased dream recall & ability inner-stand them energetically (rather than analytically) 
  • Discovering the emotional and energetic patterns behind physical symptoms 
  • Release of negative energy or beliefs around situations or relationships with others​

How it works:

  • If you haven't already, download and read Summer's two-time award winning book and "manual" for the class - Soul-Side Out. (Link inside.) 
  • Watch Lesson #1 - a short 2 minute video: How to Learn to help switch your integration paradigm right from the start for the most effective outcomes.
  • Watch the Class!  Discover how to heal yourself, and receive a mind-body symptoms journal to help you identify what is happening for you.
  • Immerse Yourself! Step-by-Step Self Healing Immersion with Summer - experience the principles in real time in the comfort of your own space.
  • Join Monthly Office Hours - zoom call you can join to ask Summer any questions you have.
  • When you're ready, book a private Soul-Truth Discovery call with Summer to fine tune your journey (optional, but recommended)

What others have said about this class:

"Incredibly Important work you are doing" Judy, Edmonton. 

"INside-OWT is simply the best healing modality I've come across, and I've studied many; Shamanism, Reiki, Hypnotherapy ...) Megan, Edmonton.  

"Thank you for helping people, including me to heal and find themselves through all the murkiness of self-judgement and Illness.  Lee Schwartz, Big White, B.C. 

"Soul-Side Out has opened my heart and mind to the source of true wholeness and healing". Rose Hudson, Calgary

"​Very Informative and great structure.  Really Enlightening and Healing"  Paul, Edmonton. 

"Small (live experiential practices) classes make for connected sharing & a warm community" 
Raylene, Edmonton  

"I am very grateful for the INside-OWT process in my life and healing 
journey" Naomi Rozak, Edmonton

8 Sections

STEP #1 - FIRST 2 Minute Step is here

To get the MOST out of this class, please download and read or listen to Summer's award winning book. (Our class manual.)

See download section below the video inside.👇

MODULE #1: Self Healing Class

This is where the MAGIC happens, in this class! 

As you prepare to receive, find a comfortable space, be nourished, hydrated and ready to listen without distraction. 

Let's do this! ✨

Sections for this product 8
🌟 Let's DO this!

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 Intro to Self Healing
 $ 297.00 CAD

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