Eyesight & INsight Natural Vision Improvement for Empaths
Supercharge your Intuition AND Improve Your Eyesight!
PLUS: Reverse Prescriptions*, Prevent Eye Disease AND Save $$$ Thousands $$$ on Eyeglass Prescriptions.
This course is comprehensive. It has easily accessible, well organized modules and personal support. It's a guide for your whole family and combines the best research from:
Bates Method
Behavioural Optometry
Vision Education
Emotional & Nervous System Regulation
Intuitive Self-Healing
Soul-Level Awareness
Summer's 20 years experience in Natural Vision Improvement
45 minute one-on-one Intuitive Soul-Truth Discovery &Prescription Review Session so you know what your eyeglass prescription numbers means practically/optometrically AND emotionally/spiritually ... AND there are Monthly live open office calls on zoom to ask any questions!
If you have visual bur, after this class MANY students do not need to visit an Optometrist EVER again
IMPORTANT: DO NOT get an eye exam prior to this class, wait until after your Lifestyle & Prescription review with Summer. You will likely not need to visit an Optometrist at all.
What you Will Learn 👇
Improve your Eyesight & reduce your need for high prescriptions
Embody the Emotional and Spiritual Aspects of Eyesight to engage Mind-Body Medicine for quicker improvement.
Discover how eye exams perpetuate declining vision and how to speak to your optometrist about what you need.
Master how reduced prescriptions can help release locked trauma
Improve distance vision and drive with more confidence Receive specific nutrition guidance and supplements for optimal vision
Reveal the role of bifocals/progressives, surgery & contacts on improvement
Walk-out of Multi-focals Assess your binocular vision to Improve reading and comprehension
Team your eyes for improved sporting performance and physical coordination
Discover the REAL legal driving acuity - which is not 20/20!
Access the cause of astigmatism and how to eliminate it
Discover why vision improvement Unlocks your Nervous System & can reduce anxiety
Irradicate Double Vision and heal Lazy Eye
Gain clearer access to Your Intuition and Insight Gain confidence in caring care for your eyes and preserving your eyesight. Order on-line to save Thousands $$$AND MORE!
What's Included : Video trainings to help you understand: How to read your prescriptions, reduce them safely and order on-line to save $$$ thousands with case studies, Prepare for eye exams (if needed) and relax you nervous system as you improve your vision.
BONUSES include:
Targeted Training for Specific Conditions:
Myopia/Nearsightedness (People who need glasses to drive)
Hyperopia/Presbyopia (people who need reading glasses)
Double Vision, Lazy Eye, Amblyopia/Strabismus
Downloadable vision charts, tools, exercises and more - Much, much more..
Eye Habits List
Eye Exercises
Eye Yoga Videos
Natural Vision Food Pyramid
Downloadable Natural Eye Charts
Journalling Exercises to increase your visual acuity
Acupressure charts & directions for yourself or massage therapist
BONUS: FREE Access to the Intro to Connection through Conscious Communication Course (Value $99) because our relationships with ourselves and others play a BIG part in how we see.
BONUS: FREE Access to the Comprehensive Introduction to Intuitive Soul-Level Self-Healing Course (Value $297)
PLUS you receive one private 45 minute consult with Summer to ask any questions and gain clarity on what you are learning.
AND Monthly OPEN Office HOURS on the 22nd of each month at 11 am M.S.T and 6 pm M.S.T.
More topics that we will cover are below👇
Number one vision skill for reading at any age
Eliminating computer fatigue & near-point stress
Discover the legal driving acuity which is not 20/20!
Simplest & most effective eye exercises for vision improvement
How to read & understand your prescription
Common Mistakes to Improving Vision
What Astigmatism is and how to eliminate it from your prescription
Learn how to order lenses to save $$$ thousands
Prevent eye-disease & resources for conditions such as cataracts & macular degeneration.
How to keep your kids out of glasses and have great vision for life
How to Heal Double vision & lazy eye.
Discover the 8 visual skill sets (of which Optometrists only measure one!)
Uncover more about sunlight, sunglasses and the role of light in how you see
Prevent eye-disease & eye strain
Receive nutrition guidance and supplements for optimal vision
Reveal the role of bifocals/progressives, surgery & contacts on improvement
Discover the REAL legal driving acuity - which is not 20/20!
"I highly recommend Summer and her work as a powerful healer for anyone who is serious about truly being free from eye issue(s). Summer will help you unravel the underlying contributors to any health issue in a gracious, knowledgable way. (You must be an active partner which is part of the benefit and fun!) I worked with Summer through her Natural Vision guidance and I've been able to stop wearing reading glasses! My vision is much better and I can care for my eyes with considerably more clarity (pun intended!) Run, don't walk, to get Summer's help!" Lauren Power B.C.